The Sponge Filter can be washed and cleaned. Please be sure to dry the filter thoroughly before placing it back in the Floor Washer. Extra Sponge Filters are also available on the official website. |
You may find the CWT empty indicator blinking and a voice prompt reminding you to refill it. |
You may find that the dirt monitor indicator blinking and you need to clean the air channel opening located underneath the DWT after removing it. |
You may find the DWT full indicator blinking. At the same time, the voice prompt will remind you to dump the DWT, or check for any blockages in the air channel. Yoniev Smart automatically stops operating once the DWT is full. |
You may find the brush roller blockage indicator blinking and a voice prompt reminding you to take out the roller to clean it. Please check the air channel if there are any blockages while the roller is out of place. |
Yoniev Smart is designed to pick up debris like cereals dog food and wash the floor simultaneously on hard floor surfaces. |
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